Monday, December 6, 2010


I like taking portrait photographs however my subjects don't seem to like it much. At first I tried to take some photographs of my daughter for christmas cards but she didn't feel like cooperating with me so I took some of my Dozer our dog. He seems to listen better.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Clone and Writting

 I can say im not a big fan of writting on my photos. I think it distracts from the photo. Probably something I would only use in an advertisement of some sort. The first picture I just wrote on but the second I used the clone tool and then added more color the food on Maisys face :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

 I love the filters! Its really cool everything you can do with one picture.

Excuse the messy bedroom. I found it kinda hard to use the dodge and burn tool. It will probably just take time to get used to it. You can't really see what I did but the bottom picture has a light spot up at the top by the pillows and I fixed it on the top picture. I tried on the right bottom light spot but it didn't look right. I probably wasn't doing something right.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Color and Light

I love black and white photos. Many of my photos i have printed out are black and white.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Crop, Move, Selection

Sooo... Im not 100% sure i did this assignment right but I sure tried. The tools were a little confusing but I think it will only take practice in order to get used to everything and what it does and how to use it. I definately enjoyed manipulating the pictures. Its kind of fun not knowing what your going to get when your just fooling around with a new program.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Landscape Photos

I love taking Landscape photos. I think it helps us to appreciate our surroundings. I think a lot of times we take our surroundsing for granted and being able to capture a specific memory and to be able to look back at it we are able to see things that we might not have been able to see before. When we look back on it we may beable to remember what the weather was like that day or what the air felt like or maybe what we were doing. I think sometimes we appreciate pictures of landscapes more than we do just looking at the landscape.

Monday, October 11, 2010



Compotion of a photograph is the way and how you take the photo. What angle your at? What are you trying to focus on? Where do you want to object to be placed in the picture; centered in the corner? How do you want your viewers to feel when looking at a picture? These are all questions that are asked when taking a photograph creating compotion.

Monday, October 4, 2010


The first picture is of complementary colors. These colors are nice but  im more of a bright colored person so they don't do a whole lot for me. The second picture shows analogous colors. These are the bright colors I like. The third picture is of monochrome color scheme. Its all the same color just different shades.


What I did for this is I shut off my daughters beddroom light and opened her door to allow a little bit of light to come in. The first picture I actually had to room light on to show light coming from above. The second picture I set the bear right infront of the door where the light was coming in so the light would be behind the bear. The last picture I set the bear to the side of the light . It is very interesting to see where the shadows fall in each of these photos.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heres a second collage of "Things Around the House" In this one I wanted to make sure that the little blue face starring at you, the mouse and the bear were all visible. I didnt want them hidden behind other photos.
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Things around the house

These are the a few of my macro shots. It was very interesting to see what the lens would focus on and what it wouldn't. I tried to get as close up as I could if the camera wouldn't take the shot then I slowly backed away until it would. I think my favorite picture is the grass.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Fall Flower

I love close ups!!! Most of the pictures I take are either close ups or pitures of the mountain and sky. I seem to like to take pictures of the scenery. The first picture is my favorite out of these two pictures. I think you are able to see many details of the flower including the dew on the leaves and the broken parts of the leaves. In the second picture you aren't able to see the broken leaves due to the angle of the shot. Shooting at an angle is nice if you want to hide an imperfection, however I like to show imperfection because thats how life is. Not perfect.