Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heres a second collage of "Things Around the House" In this one I wanted to make sure that the little blue face starring at you, the mouse and the bear were all visible. I didnt want them hidden behind other photos.
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Things around the house

These are the a few of my macro shots. It was very interesting to see what the lens would focus on and what it wouldn't. I tried to get as close up as I could if the camera wouldn't take the shot then I slowly backed away until it would. I think my favorite picture is the grass.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Fall Flower

I love close ups!!! Most of the pictures I take are either close ups or pitures of the mountain and sky. I seem to like to take pictures of the scenery. The first picture is my favorite out of these two pictures. I think you are able to see many details of the flower including the dew on the leaves and the broken parts of the leaves. In the second picture you aren't able to see the broken leaves due to the angle of the shot. Shooting at an angle is nice if you want to hide an imperfection, however I like to show imperfection because thats how life is. Not perfect.