Monday, November 15, 2010

Clone and Writting

 I can say im not a big fan of writting on my photos. I think it distracts from the photo. Probably something I would only use in an advertisement of some sort. The first picture I just wrote on but the second I used the clone tool and then added more color the food on Maisys face :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

 I love the filters! Its really cool everything you can do with one picture.

Excuse the messy bedroom. I found it kinda hard to use the dodge and burn tool. It will probably just take time to get used to it. You can't really see what I did but the bottom picture has a light spot up at the top by the pillows and I fixed it on the top picture. I tried on the right bottom light spot but it didn't look right. I probably wasn't doing something right.